Bush Kindy
Bush Kindy runs during Term 2 and 3. This takes place one day a week, on Tuesdays for the Rainbow Lorikeet group and on Thursdays for the Magpie group.

In the language of the Kaurna people, Yeltanna Wirra translates to ‘dry airy place’. We are so fortunate to have this bush environment within our kindy grounds, nestled amongst the Sturt Gorge. This is the location of our Bush Kindy Program, which runs across Term 2 and 3. Normal kindy continues for each group on their first day of the week, while the second becomes their Bush Kindy day.
It is important that we sustain, respect and embrace Yeltanna Wirra as a natural, untouched space for children to learn in and about indigenous culture. Our plantings in this environment connect back to the local region so that we can adopt sustainable practices that do not harm the Sturt Gorge. We aim to connect with our local Kaurna Elder each year, to deepen our understanding of the land we walk and play on. Once we have settled into our Bush Kindy 'home base', we begin to spend part of our day walking and playing in the adjoining Sturt Gorge.
The learning observed through our Bush Kindy program:
Engagement in sustained play, in a sensory rich environment
Deepening connection with the environment and with others
Strengthening of motor skills, balance, coordination and physical stamina
Engaging with risk taking: What am I capable of? What feels safe to try next time? Are my warning signs telling me this is out of reach right now? What couldn't I do previously that I can now?
Imagination, creativity and resourcefulness, fostered through investigation and exploration with open ended materials
Building learning dispositions through discomfort and challenge, for example persistence, confidence and resilience
Here are some of the children's reflections (2024):
"I will miss climbing the mulberry tree"
"I'm going to miss the gorge and playing in the play spot. Bush Kindy is the best!"
"I liked making the tower out of bricks, sitting under the mulberry tree and playing in the creeks and going on the gorge walks and throwing rocks in. That's what I like"
"I like the walk in Bush Kindy, seeing all the cockatoos. I will miss seeing the trees and all the things. I will miss the bush walk too"
"I liked the whittling with a tool and going for a walk and throwing the rocks. The puddles were fun"